Volunteers For Wildlife, Locust Valley, NY

Photo of several people standing by a sign outdoors and an owl, photo of a person with an owl, photograph of a opossum.  Text: The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation www.MarilynLichtmanFoundation.org
Pictured from left to right: Brianna Cornachio, Rehab Supervisor; Brianna Rienzi, Animal Care Manager; Alicia Grubessi, Hospital Director; Robert Brull, President, The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation; Lauren Schulz, Hospital Director; Marcus, Great Horned Owl, Animal Ambassador.

We were happy to return to Volunteers For Wildlife, located in Locust Valley, NY. Our Grant will be used to support the nutritional needs and medical care given to injured/orphaned wildlife patients in their nursery in 2023. The majority (70%) of the approximately

2,300 patients admitted each year are babies and juveniles, and require specialized diets, trained staff to administer around-the-clock feedings, and careful attention to ensure their successful return to the wild.