Some of our Outstanding Nonprofit Grant Recipients

Grant Application Guidelines

The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation will accept grant applications from non-profit organizations meeting the criteria set forth in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“the Code”). Grant applications must meet the Marilyn Lichtman Foundation’s grant requirements, guidelines and mission in order to be approved.

The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation will not accept applications from or issue grants for:

  1. for-profit organizations,
  2. political organizations or campaigns,
  3. government entities,
  4. endowments,
  5. organizations which pass on funds to other organizations, other than organizations (such as foundations) recognized under the Code that have been established to support or raise funds for the benefit of the organization identified in the Grant Application whose purposes are consistent with the mission of the Marilyn Lichtman Foundation,
  6. or individuals.

Grant Application review process

The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation Board carefully reviews Grant Applications and all supporting documentation and makes a decision in its discretion; usually within 30-60 days.  We will contact you if we have any questions.  The current version of the Grant Application is linked below.  Please be advised that incomplete Grant Applications, or applications that are on versions of application forms dated prior to 12/01/2024 are automatically denied. All decisions of the Board are final regarding whether or not the Marilyn Lichtman Foundation’s grant requirements, guidelines and mission have been met.
If your organization is selected to receive grant funds, you will receive and will be required to sign an agreement with the Foundation (“Grant Notification and Acceptance Letter”) acknowledging and agreeing to various terms and conditions.  No grant funds will be disbursed by the Foundation until such documentation is signed and received by the Foundation.

After grant funds received have been disbursed by your organization, you will be required to submit a report (“Grantee Report”) to us by the one-year anniversary of the date of the Grant Notification and Acceptation Letter, or upon our earlier request, documenting how grant funds were used. Non-submission of this report will preclude the Foundation from considering future grants.

Questions about the application process should be directed to [email protected]

grant application form

Grantee Report form