Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education & Experience Center

Image of 4 people. Logo and text Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Education & Experience Center; ; The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Pictured are Michael Vizbal, Grant Coordinator, the Marilyn Lichtman Foundation; JJ Ankowsky, Executive Director, Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Debbie Lo Verde, Operations Manager, Shy Wolf Sanctuary; Robert Brull, President, The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation.

We were happy to present Grant funds to Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education & Experience Center in Naples, Florida.  Our funds will be used for their Healing Hearts program.  This is an unforgettable animal-assisted therapeutic and educational experience which reaches about 40-45 veterans who are working through difficult circumstances.  Shy Wolf Sanctuary is a forever home to over 40 animals that are unable to return to the wild.