News and Events

an image of 5 people and text that says 'Family Promise of Ontario County The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

Family Promise of Ontario County

We are happy to provide Grant funds once again to Family Promise of Ontario County. Our funds will be used to support their 3 shelter apartments for an additional 6 months. Family Promise of Ontario County has been providing shelter services for families with children facing homelessness since 2018.

Image of 3 people, text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

The Hochstein School

We were happy to return to the Hochstein School to present Grant funds, which are to be used for their Arts4All programming provided to Pre-K through 8th graders at Charles T. Lunsford School 19 in the 19th Ward of Rochester. This inclusive program offers comprehensive arts education for students with limited access to the arts. Learning experiences such as dance, instrumental music, performing and visual arts and performing arts strengthen social and emotional development, create pathways for academic success and provide personal transformation through the arts.

Image of a person, text and logo the Marilyn Lichtman Foundation; AFA Alzheimer's Foundation of America
Grant Award

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

We are happy to support Alzheimer’s Foundation of America to help fund their AFA Education & Resource Center & The Residence. By AFA creating this Center on Long Island, they will be filling a huge educational and therapeutic services gap, as well as enhancing training programs for healthcare professionals..

Image of 3 people, image of a bird in flight; image of a sticker with text ECSS Sweetbriar nature Center To Preserve their future wildlife rehabilitation and education Smithtown New York; The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

Sweetbriar Nature Center

We are happy to provide Grant funding to Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown, NY. Our funds will be used to assist with their additional flight conditioning cage to help strengthen flight muscles for migratory birds and small raptors. They provide rehabilitation services and care for approximately 2000 individuals annually.

graphic of 2 people, a person dancing and text that says 'The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation org The Andréa Rizzo Foundation
Grant Award

The Andréa Rizzo Foundation-Dréa’s Dream

We are happy to again provide Grant funds to the Andrea Rizzo Foundation. The Andréa Rizzo Foundation funds “Dréa’s Dream” Pediatric Dance Therapy Program to children ages 1 – 18 years old with cancer and special needs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and John Street School since 2003, providing improved social, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes through dance/movement therapy.

An image of a large house, logo and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation; The Shepherd's House
Grant Award

The Shepherd’s House, Indiana

We are happy to provide Grant funds to the Shepherds House, Indiana. They serve Veterans with mental health diagnoses, including dual diagnosis of PTSD, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and/or substance use disorders. They provide case management and support to ensure Veterans have access to programs and rehabilitation that provide quality clinical services to meet their needs. The only requirement for Veterans to enter our program is a commitment to recovery. Their three facilities handle housing for 30 homeless male veterans ages 18 and over, another for men further along in recovery but have disability or health issues. The third facility caters to those with more severe addiction and mental health issues which require more supervision.

The goal is to support Veterans as they establish sobriety and transition from homelessness to permanent housing. So far there is an 85% success rate in helping Veterans achieve sobriety and a 95% success rate of Veterans completing their program move into permanent independent housing.

Photo of construction and building damage. Image and text 'JERRY AMBROSE A HAND UP NOT A HAND OUT Veterans Council MohaveCountyArizona Mohave County Arizona; The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

JAVC Jerry Ambrose Veterans Council of Mohave County

We are once again happy to provide Grant funds to JAVC Jerry Ambrose Veterans Council of Mohave County, Inc. Our funds will contribute to their repairs and supplies necessitated from recent heavy rains. Damage not only occurred to the building roof but to clothing, furnishings, files and necessitated countless hours of clean-up. The JAVC houses 20 homeless veterans on a 90-100 day rotation and provides them with comprehensive wrap-around services. They also provide assistance to about 750 at-risk veterans with emergency housing, food, transportation, mortgage/rent payments, utility notice shut-offs, mobility equipment, vehicles and much more.

pictures of trees, flowers, raised garden beds, that says 'The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation ; GRASSROOTS GARDENS WNY'
Grant Award

Grassroots Gardens WNY

We are happy to fulfill a Grant request for Grassroots Gardens WNY to contribute to their fundraising for overall project needs including personnel costs. Their gardens supply low-income children and families with fresh seasonal produce grown within walking distance of their homes. Their member gardens are thriving urban green spaces that teach children about nature, restore habitat for pollinators and other wildlife, and serve as community gathering spaces where neighbors can meet and build relationships.

a graphic of text that says 'TSINY Transitional Services for New York, Inc. A NOT-FOR-PROFIT MENTAL HEALTH AGENCY "We Help People Rediscover Themselves" The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation'
Grant Award

TSINY Transitional Services for New York

We are happy to support TSINY Transitional Services for New York, Inc. assisting Color My World a new art as therapy program in partnership with The Spirit of Huntington Art Center. TSINY provides rehabilitative services to enrich the lives of people with severe mental health diagnoses and facilitate their transition to greater levels of independence.