News and Events

Images of a bear and a tiger, logo and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation, Wildlife Conservation Society
Grant Award

WCS Wildlife Conservation Society

We were happy to once again support WCS, Wildlife Conservation Society in their mission to help elephant, tiger and jaguar populations rebound, create new marine protected areas, slow the spread of zoonotic diseases, and work with local and indigenous communities to reduce forest loss and elevate household incomes. Through their four WCS Zoos and the Aquarium, they are connecting people to wildlife and inspiring the next generation of conservation leaders.

Logo and text that says 'The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation COPD FOUNDATION'
Grant Award

COPD Foundation

We were happy to support the COPD Foundation with Grant funding. Our Grant funds will be used to support their COPD Awareness campaign, Lace-Up for Lungs, which aims to generate widespread awareness of COPD among health care providers, patients, and the public. The second program is Harmonicas for Health, designed to teach and reinforce training of breathing techniques and helpful educational concepts benefiting those living with chronic lung conditions while also providing a social outlet.

Photo of two people and a puppy, logo and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation,, North Shore Animal League America Leader in the NO-KILL Movement
Grant Award

North Shore Animal League America

We were happy to return to North Shore Animal League America to fulfill a Grant request. Our funds will be used for a Forceplate Stance Analyzer, and ECG Machine and ongoing support for the Pet Sponsorship Program to ensure that dogs and cats with special needs receive the care they need to live the best quality of life possible.

Picture of two people standing, an Image of a brain, logo and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation, Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center.
Grant Award

Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center

We were happy to return to Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center in Westbury, NY. Our Grant funds will contribute to their addressing challenges of aging in place, reducing the incidence of loneliness, social isolation, and depression as well as much-needed respite and support for caregivers. Our Grant will help expand their capacity to provide services by improving technology, including the purchase of updated hardware and software, hiring additional program staff, and offsetting the routine costs of operations at their Westbury center.

An image of 5 people standing by a helicopter, logo and text that says 'INTEGRITY COMPASSION, EXCELLENCE, MERCY FLIGHT CENTRAL FINGER VALLEY LAKES CENTRAL CENTRALNY NY MOHAWK VALLEY’ ‘The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation'
Grant Award

Mercy Flight Central

We were delighted to fulfill a Grant request to Mercy Flight Central in Canandaigua, NY. They perform extraordinary work transporting patients with life threatening injuries from car accidents and other dire situations over to large hospitals. They also transport patients from small hospitals to large tertiary care center hospitals. The equipment on these helicopters is state of the art and allows them to intubate, transfuse blood, monitor vitals, etc. Our funds will be used to help MFC create an all-inclusive simulation lab that would house both an AW119 interior and hospital room simulation suites. To create this setup, they would convert a 22’ cargo trailer into a new mobile simulation lab.

Graphic of 2 people and text that says 'Connecting Veterans With Employers OPERATION: JOB READY VETERANS The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation'
Grant Award

Operation: Job Ready Veterans

We were delighted to fulfill a Grant request for Operation: Job Ready Veterans. OJRV is a Midwest-based nonprofit that provides direct career and employment transition assistance for service members, veterans, and military families through their One-on-One Career Transition Services program. This program is entirely funded through grants and donations at no cost to the recipients.

Picture of a car seat simulator, logo and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation, St. Mary’s kids, Where big hearts help little patients
Grant Award Follow-Up

St. Mary’s Kids

We were delighted to see the car seat simulator our funds provided for St. Mary’s Kids. This simulator helps kids practice entering and exiting cars to prepare kids for real-life scenarios. St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children is committed to improving the health and quality of life for children, young adults, and families with medical complexity and special healthcare needs.

Photos of an art gallery, image and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award Follow-Up

Lichtman Art Gallery Doylestown Hospital

We are thrilled to see the Lichtman Art Gallery in Doylestown hospital’s new Cardiac Pavilion in Doylestown Pennsylvania. The Gallery on the second floor displays various works of art by local artists. These pieces are intended to serve as art therapy for the patients and visitors. One of the first paintings to be hung is of one of Marilyn Lichtman’s favorite dogs, which was painted by a local artist. This painting was presented to the hospital on a permanent loan basis.

Picture of 3 people outside a building. Logo and text The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation, Rochester Rotary Sunshine camp where kids have no barriers to fun, picture of a child in a pool.
Grant Award

Rochester Rotary Sunshine Camp

We were happy to return to Rochester Rotary Sunshine Camp. Sunshine Camp is a fully accessible residential camping facility located on 157 acres in Rush, NY. The campus serves 2500 children and young adults with disabilities each summer at no cost to their families and over 5700 individuals from nonprofit organizations in the community throughout the year. Our Grant funds will be used to support significant upgrades and improvements to their fully accessible pool. These enhancements are not only for the quality of programming but also safety of campers on grounds and around the pool.