News and Events

Photo of a group of people, three of whom are holding a check. Image of CDS Life Transitions and Logo of The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation Image of American Flag.
Grant Award

CDS Life Transitions/Warrior Salute

We were happy to return to CDS Life Transitions, Warrior Salute Veteran Services, to present another Grant to support our nation’s veterans. Through transitional housing and case management, veterans receive several types of assistance during transition back into their community. Warrior Salute Veteran Services offers all-inclusive, supportive housing services for Veterans at their Nucor House. The program is aimed at providing a strong, supportive community to help veterans reach their personal therapeutic, social, educational and community goals. Transitional housing is open at no cost to male veterans who demonstrate the desire and motivation to benefit from all services offered.

An image of three people outside of a building holding a check. Another image of a pine tree blossom. Logo of The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

Sunshine Campus

We were delighted to return to Sunshine Campus to present Grant funds. Each summer, more than 2,700 children and young-adult campers (ages 7 to 21 years old) with disabilities take advantage of this 157-acre campground. It is the only camp facility of its kind in Greater Rochester that gives children with special needs unique overnight camping experiences.

Image of two people holding a check. Text logos saying Save the Sound Action for our region’s environment, The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

Save The Sound

We were happy to provide Grant funds to Save The Sound. The mission of Save the Sound is to protect and improve the land, air, and water of Connecticut and Long Island Sound. They use legal and scientific expertise and bring people together to achieve results that benefit our environment for current and future generations.

Photo of three people holding a check, text logo SIBS Place an affiliate of Mount Sinai South Nassau, The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

SIBS Place

We were happy to provide Grant funds to SIBS Place. SIBSPLACE (Survivorship in Brothers and Sisters) is a free program serving well children ages 5-17, who are living with a sibling with cancer or another devastating medical illness, or a parent with cancer. SIBS Place provides guided therapeutic peer support to help well children develop skills to cope with the traumatic and emotional impact of a loved one’s medical diagnosis.

Image of 5 people holding a check, text logo The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation; Celebrating 150 years St. Mary's Kids.
Grant Award

St. Mary’s Kids

We were happy to return to St, Mary’s Kids to fulfill another Grant request. Our funds will be used to purchase an additional Eye Gaze device. The Eye Gaze Communication system helps children communicate where previously, due to speech and other impairments, they could not. The device reads the child’s eye movements and thereby allows communication. The Eye Gaze devices have been greatly beneficial to so many kids at the St. Mary’s Kids facility, allowing them an ability to communicate with others to a degree that once seemed impossible! Truly a great investment!

Background collage of food. Photo of two people holding a check. Logo of INN with text Serving Hungry and Homeless Long Islanders. Logo of The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award


We were happy to return to the INN Interfaith Nutrition Network in Hempstead, NY. Our Grant funds will be used to purchase needed equipment to facilitate food distribution to better serve the many hungry and needy people in the community.

Photo of two people holding a check, logo of the Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award

Hamptons Community Outreach

We were happy to present a Grant award to Hamptons Community Outreach, located in Bridgehampton, NY.  HCO​ works to bridge the opportunity gap experienced by

Four people standing with a check in front of a piano. Images of logo for The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation and HOCHSTEIN. Background graphic of sheet music.
Grant Award

The Hochstein School

We were happy to fulfill a Grant request from The Hochstein School in Rochester, NY.  The David Hochstein Memorial Music School’s mission is to provide

Text: More Powerful Together $50,000 Your Generous Gift 58 Service Members Assisted 58 Grants Delivered The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation + Semper Fi & America’s Fund Pie Chart titled Your Support by Program Integrative Wellness program $18837 Transition Program $8662 Service Member and Family Support Program $26,501. Logo of Semper Fi & America’s Fund, Logo of The Marilyn Lichtman Foundation
Grant Award Follow-Up

Semper Fi & America’s Fund

We were so happy to receive a follow up report from Semper Fi & America’s Fund regarding the Grant award received previously.  Our Grant funds